Netflix is arguably the most versatile streaming service available, with thousands of shows and movies in their catalogue. They have a wide range of genres and target audiences, and you’d be hard pressed not to find at least one thing you enjoyed. But the problem is, when you’re faced with that much choice, it can be hard to narrow it down. This series is designed to help you find wonderful new shows, so let’s begin! Here are my contenders for the best Netflix show beginning with A.
Best Netflix Show Beginning With A – The Contenders
With a whole bunch of shows to choose between, picking a top selection was difficult. If you’re into Sci-fi, then Altered Carbon could be a pretty solid choice. Generally rated pretty highly by critics and fans alike, it explored the concept of transferring consciousness and memories. It calls into question the entire human experience, and what makes us us. There was also a cool investigative angle, and so it was a pretty intense series. Unfortunately, it was cancelled after just two seasons, so it’s a pretty short watch.

You can also watch a few reality shows, with America’s Got Talent season 16 being made available as it airs. Be aware, though, this is only for viewers in the UK, so if you live elsewhere then you’ll have to find another way to get your Simon Cowell fix. But don’t despair, America’s Next Top Model is also on Netflix for several territories.
If reality shows aren’t your thing, and you prefer to wind down with a comedy series, then Netflix still has you covered. Arrested Development has a cult following, and as well as the original 3 seasons, Netflix made 2 more. It’s kinda crazy how big a hiatus the show had. Season 3 ended in 2006, and season 4 was released in 2013. Then seasons 5 was split into two parts, airing in 2018 and 2019 respectively. Arrested Development is one of those shows that takes a while to get into, but is great once you’re used to the humour. Despite a quality dip in season 4, it’s still an enjoyable watch.
However, there can only be one winner for the best Netflix show beginning with A, and that is…
American Horror Story
Honestly, I’ve surprised myself with this choice. For context, I’m a massive wimp when it comes to horror. I flat out refuse to watch any horror movies, or play any horror games. The genre terrifies me, and yet I made an exception for American Horror Story after so many people recommended it to me. It was clear from the first episode that it was way too scary for me, and yet I couldn’t stop myself. I had to know what happened next, the plot was just too compelling. Each season covers a separate arc, with a self-contained story. The characters are well-developed, and the plot is so cleverly built. If you enjoy horror, you’ll love those elements too, I personally stopped at the end of season 2, purely because it was just too scary, and I knew if I committed to even one episode of season 3, I’d be hooked.
The show reuses many of the cast members between seasons, playing different characters. This allows you to still see the actors you love, whilst enjoying new plot lines. It also lets the actors delve into different personas, and truly showcase their talents. The production value across seasons is brilliant, and the whole show feels high quality. Another benefit to each season being a self-contained story is that you can watch them in any order. So if a particular theme jumps out to you, you can just start with that season.

As I mentioned at the start, Netflix is full of awesome shows, and the letter A was no exception. It’s not easy picking just one title, but I’m happy with my choice. For all the reasons above, I feel confident naming American Horror Story as the best Netflix show beginning with A.
How about you, what are your favourite Netflix shows? Do you agree with my choice for A? Join the conversation in Screen Hype’s Facebook community!