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Best of Netflix A-Z: H is for…

Ah, Netflix. Arguably the best streaming service around, it’s full of high profile titles and hidden gems. The goal of this series is to wade through the thousands of titles to find the best of the best. Whichever genres you’re into, I bet I can find the perfect show for you to watch! I’m going to cut the preamble and get straight into the goods, so here are my thoughts on the best Netflix show beginning with H.

The Contenders

Before we get to my number one choice, let’s look at a few of the better shows available. If you’re into anime, Haikyuu!! is one that’s well worth checking out. You wouldn’t think that volleyball could be this exciting, but somehow, it is! The characters are deep and well-developed, and have interesting dynamics with one another. The art style is crisp and colourful, and the animations are decent. There’s great action and pacing, and it’s a fun watch for sure.

When it comes to comedy, How I Met Your Mother is one of the greats. Admittedly, some of the jokes don’t hold up in today’s society, and I certainly don’t excuse that. HIMYM is probably one of the worst for its time period in terms of political correctness. However, if you can overlook uncomfortable ‘jokes’ from time to time, there’s a lot of enjoyment to be had from the show. The characters are funny, and although they’re not great people, they work really well for the show. The overall plots are usually well written, and the individual episodes have mostly satisfying conclusions. Plus, for all his faults (of which there are many), Barney Stinson is one of the funniest characters around.

It’s a little past its hype now, but that doesn’t make House of Cards any less brilliant. The show was involved in a scandal a few years ago when allegations were made against the main actor, Kevin Spacey. Although these charges were dropped, the show continued without Spacey, which was probably for the best. House of Cards is full of political intrigue, nuanced characters, and fascinating plots. The series picked up tons of awards, and rightfully so. However, I had to choose just one title as my favourite. So, the best Netflix show beginning with H is…

House of Cards
Even the show’s name is a metaphor.

How to Get Away With Murder

I’ll let you into a fact about me. I’m very impatient when it comes to watching new shows. I give a show about half an hour to impress me, and if I’m not invested by then, I’ll just give up on it. As such, I end up rewatching a lot of my tried and tested favourites. A couple of years ago, I’d finished binging The Vampire Diaries (don’t judge me), and decided to try something I hadn’t seen before. After an age of scrolling aimlessly, I happened upon How to Get Away With Murder. And I didn’t need my half hour trial period… it hooked me with the very first scene.

This show is gripping on a whole new level. Few shows can compete with its sheer intensity, and the writing and acting are both superb. I won’t delve into the realm of spoilers, but nothing is as it first seems. You never know which characters you can trust, and I love that. I’m able to really immerse myself in the world of the show, wondering what each of their motives are. Viola Davis gives a stellar performance as the formidable Annalise Keating. Her acting is raw, and powerful, and so very emotional.

Best Netflix Show Beginning With H, How to Get Away With Murder.
The show is dark, and mysterious, and utterly fantastic.

If you like crime shows, you’ll love this. It’s got such a unique concept, and there are twists and turns galore. You’ll find yourself growing attached to the characters, and asking yourself what you’d do in that situation. It calls into question the very concept of morality. I love that it tackles deep subjects, and that it still manages to incorporate humour. If you haven’t seen it, I strongly advise you to give it a try!


So, do you agree with my choice for the best Netflix show beginning with H? If not, what would you have chosen instead? If you’ve watched How to Get Away With Murder, let me know what you thought of it. Or otherwise, let me know your other favourite shows beginning with H! Join the discussion over in our Facebook community!

Melika Jeddi

Hi! I'm Melika Jeddi, a content writer and aspiring author. I've created Screen Hype to share my unique brand of entertaining articles with the world, and to create a fun space that everyone can feel a part of :)