I will forever be a fan of cosy games, and so I had to check out the newly released Everafter Falls. It’s always exciting playing a game like this when it’s still in its infancy, but the downside is – no guides! That’s especially tricky in this case since the game doesn’t offer a tutorial. I couldn’t for the life of me figure out how to mine ores, so once I eventually figured it out, I knew I had to create this Everafter Falls mining guide to help everyone else who may also be struggling.
This guide will cover all the basics, including: How to find the mines, what to expect inside the mines, how to mine ores, how to forge metal bars, and how to upgrade your pickaxe. Let’s get started!
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Everafter Falls Mine Locations
The reason it took me so long to find the mines in Everafter Falls was because I was thinking too literally. I was explicitly looking for a mine, but that’s not what you see in the overworld. Instead, you want to look for the ‘Portal’. You can locate it on the map (it’s the top icon on the right hand side of the map overlay). It’s to the left of your farm, over the bridge to the left of the museum, and then up into the next area.

However, to access the portal, you’ll need a rune. You’ll initially find the ‘Cursed Eve Rune’, which will start a questline. You’ll need to help Dawn secure the resources to remove the curse, and after that’s completed, she’ll return the purified rune to you. Interact with the pillar to the front left of the portal whilst holding the rune. This will permanently unlock the portal.
There are 4 pillars in total, each unlocked by a different rune. You can tell which rune corresponds to which pillar by the patterns displayed on their surfaces. The portal will transport you to an underground dungeon filled with enemies, rocks, and riches.

What to Expect Inside the Dungeons in Everafter Falls
The dungeons in Everafter Falls are the equivalent of a mine in other cosy games. However, the system is slightly different to the standard ‘destroy rocks, find a staircase, proceed downwards’ formula that many games employ. Instead, the rooms are laid out in a formation shown by a small map in the top left of your screen.
You must destroy the enemies in each room to unlock the door to the next room. Once you’ve unlocked a room, you will always be able to access it. The enemies will respawn each day, but you don’t need to defeat them again. You’ll also occasionally encounter boss rooms with a significantly tougher main enemy. These doors have a red exclamation mark above them to warn you before you go in.

Your base sword only does 1 damage, so I’d recommend increasing your attack power so as to deal with the enemies inside the dungeons. You’d also do well to increase your HP. You can find rings and necklaces to do this, as well as consume permanent upgrades.
The dungeons contain rocks which produce resources such as stone, ores, coal, and more. Some rooms will also contain a treasure chest. Inside you’ll find 3-4 random items of varying rarities. Occasionally, you’ll also come across ‘pooklets’, which you can rescue to gain a permanent upgrade. You’ll also find portal rooms, so that you don’t need to start the dungeon from the beginning each time.

How to Mine Ores in Everafter Falls
Mining ores in Everafter Falls is a pretty simple process. You can find coal and quartz in the overworld, but aside from community gardens, ores are only found within the dungeons. The first dungeon contains copper ore and iron ore. I currently haven’t unlocked the other dungeons, but I will update this guide as I discover new ores.
To mine the ores, stand next to the rock in question, facing towards it. With the pickaxe in hand, press A (on Xbox, target button may be different on other platforms), and keep hitting until the rock smashes. You can hold down the button rather than pressing repeatedly. Copper ore requires 6 hits (3 with iron pickaxe), and iron ore requires 10 hits (5 with iron pickaxe). Once the rock smashes, walk over the resources to collect them into your inventory.

How to Forge Metal Bars in Everafter Falls
Once you have your ores, you can use them to create metal bars. To do this, you’ll need to build a furnace. This requires stone, wood, and bricks. If you don’t have bricks, you’ll need to build a Shell Crusher, and put in shells that you find on the beach. These will break down to form bricks which can be used to build a furnace.
To create your metal bars, ensure that your inventory selector is hovering over the ore that you wish to use. Then, interact with your furnace to start the forging process. Creating the bar will require 5 of the target ore, as well as 1 coal. The time it takes to create the bar will depend on which ore you have used. Copper bars takes approximately 4 in-game hours, whereas iron bars take 6 in-game hours.
Upgrading Your Tools in Everafter Falls
Initially, you won’t be able to mine iron ore, as your pickaxe won’t be up for the job. To increase its strength, you’ll need to improve it at the Blacksmith. Bram (the owner) can be located on the map, as can the building itself. It is to the right of your farm, then up into the next area, then up and slightly to the right.
To upgrade your tools, you need to speak to Bram in his Blacksmith shop, whilst holding the desired tool in your hand. To upgrade your Basic Pickaxe into a Copper Pickaxe, you’ll need 5 copper bars and 1,100 gold. Then, to upgrade your Copper Pickaxe into an Iron Pickaxe, you’ll need 10 iron bars and 3,000 gold. To upgrade your Iron Pickaxe into a Gold Pickaxe, you’ll need 15 gold bars and 12,000 gold. I will update this guide with the next upgrade once I reach that stage.

I would also recommend upgrading your Basic Sword, seeing as you will encounter plenty of enemies in the dungeons, and the sooner you clear them from a room, the sooner you can go back to mining.
Secret Bonus Mine 1
Once you’ve got an Iron Pickaxe, you can access an area which I’ve decided to call the ‘Secret Bonus Mine’. The entrance is blocked by an enormous rock formation, hence why you need the tool upgrade. To find it, you need to exit your farm to the right hand side, then go down the very first set of stairs. You should see the Animal Shop. To the left of the Animal Shop, you’ll see a large rock. Start hitting it with your Iron Pickaxe (or above, if you’ve already upgraded to gold or mithril) until it crumbles.
Once the rock is destroyed, you’ll see a new entrance, indicated by a red arrow. Step inside, and behold, a new mine for you to enjoy! There is an array of rocks including copper, iron, and gold ore. You’ll also see larger deposits. These can be destroyed with a Gold Pickaxe or above, but I wouldn’t recommend that. Instead, attach blue pixies to them, and they’ll mine the ore for you indefinitely. This can be a great way to get gold ore before it’s readily available in the dungeons. It can also be a great way to get iron ore if you still need to upgrade the rest of your tools and don’t want to spend all day grinding in the dungeons.

On the other side of the room is another large rock, which you can smash to clear the exit. The exit takes you out to just below the Museum, on the other side of your farm. So not only is the mine useful for getting ores, it also works out as a convenient shortcut from one side of the map to the other.
Secret Bonus Mine 2
This second secret mine requires a Gold Pickaxe to enter it. You can find this mine by going to the beach area in the top right of the map. Head to the left of the beach, crossing the bridge, and you’ll see a large rock of quartz. Repeatedly hit it with your Gold Pickaxe (10 times), and it’ll shatter, revealing an opening behind it. Enter the revealed area.
Inside, you’ll see an abundance of rocks and ores, just like with the previous bonus mine. What makes this one special is that it contains Mithril Ore. This usually can’t be accessed until you purify the third rune for the portal, so this bonus mine is incredibly useful. Personally, I would recommend putting pixies on at least one of the mithril ore instead of mining all of them, as this way you can harvest more over time.

I hope you found this Everafter Falls mining guide useful. You should now hopefully be able to find the dungeons and collect ores for crafting, developing new equipment/ constructions, and upgrading tools.
If you beat me to it and unlock the next dungeons/ tool upgrades before me, please let me know so that I can update my guide with the details! You can tweet me on Twitter, or join the discussion in our Facebook community!