You are currently viewing Stadium of the Sacred Flame Guide – Genshin Impact

Stadium of the Sacred Flame Guide – Genshin Impact

The Stadium of the Sacred Flame is one of the key hubs in Genshin Impact‘s Natlan region. This arena is full of lore, challenges, and rewards—the place of ancient traditions and current-day tournaments in honour of the Pyro Archon. However, the Stadium is more than just a location of combat, it’s a bustling hive of a variety of shops, restaurants, and forging opportunities. To help out my fellow travelers I’ve created this Genshin Impact Stadium of the Sacred Flame Guide.

In this guide, I’ll give you the rundown of the Stadium of the Sacred Flame. I will update this guide as more challenges and rewards are discovered within the Stadium.

Natlan’s Adventurers’ Guild

Every region in Genshin Impact has an Aventerurs’ Guild, Natlan is no exception.

Genshin Impact Natlan Region
Stadium of the Sacred Flame
Adventurers' Guild
Natlan Adventurers’ Guild

Natlan’s Adventurers’ Guild can be found in the northern part of the Stadium of the Sacred Flame.

Genshin Impact Natlan Region
Stadium of the Sacred Flame
Adventurers' Guild map location
Natlan’s Adventurers’ Guild map location

From the eastern entrance to the Stadium, you’ll want to head right, walk up the stairs, and then pass through the large door.

Genshin Impact Natlan Region
Inside the Stadium of the Sacred Flame
Go up the stairs and through the doors, be sure to unlock the waypoint on the other side.

There is a waypoint located on the other side of the door that can make accessing this area of the Stadium faster in the future. Once inside you will pass a couple of NPCs (some of which I will talk about more in a bit) before you come to Katheryne and the Adventurers’ Guild.

As with all Adventurers’ Guilds within Teyvat, you are able to dispatch characters on expeditions. This can be particularly helpful for my fellow free-to-play Genshin Impact fans, especially if you want to get your hands on some new 4-star weapons. Once all areas of Natlan have been unlocked (check out this guide for more information), you’ll be able to dispatch a character to one of six different Natlan locations.

I’ve included what’s up for grabs during Natlan expeditions below.

Huitztli Hill

Genshin Impact Natlan Region
Stadium of the Sacred Flame
Adventurers' Guild Expedition items
Huitztli Hill
Natlan Adventurers’ Guild – Huitztli Hill

Raw meat and apples are the resources that can be procured by one of your companions in Huitztli Hill. Not necessarily a top choice, but can be helpful for cooking (I’m always running low on meat).

Tepeacac Rise

Genshin Impact Natlan Region
Stadium of the Sacred Flame
Adventurers' Guild Expedition items
Tepeacac Rise
Natlan Adventurers’ Guild – Tepeacac Rise

Grainfruit and mushrooms are what’s located in Tepeacac Rise. While Grainfruit are only found in Natlan, they are pretty much the easiest Natlan resource to find. They’re everywhere. You will need Grainfruit for cooking and to purchase Natlan weapon blueprints, but since you can find them so easily in the wild I’d suggest not using up an expedition slot on these items.

Ancestral Temple

Genshin Impact Natlan Region
Stadium of the Sacred Flame
Adventurers' Guild Expedition items
Ancestral Temple
Natlan Adventurers’ Guild – Ancestral Temple

Embercore Flowers and radishes are the two resources located within the Ancestral Temple. Since Embercore Flowers are somewhat difficult to come by in the wild, this could be a useful way to get them. You will need Embercore Flowers to purchase some Natlan weapon blueprints. So if you don’t want to run around Natlan looking for them, or purchase them from Cinti, this could be a good way to get your hands on some.

Coatepec Mountain

Genshin Impact Natlan Region
Stadium of the Sacred Flame
Adventurers' Guild Expedition items
Coatepec Mountain
Natlan Adenturers’ Guild – Coatepec Mountain

Cacahuatl and carrots are what await your companions in the Coatepec Mountain. Even though Cacahuatl are again needed for cooking and Natlan weapon blueprints, they can be found fairly easily in the wild. Like with Grainfruit I probably wouldn’t take up an expedition slot to get them.

Basin of Unnumbered Flames

Genshin Impact Natlan Region
Stadium of the Sacred Flame
Adventurers' Guild Expedition items
Basin of Unnumbered Flames

The Basin of Unnumbered Flames is also a basin of Mora it seems. As a free-to-play Genshin Impact player, I will on occasion send characters on expeditions for Mora. As I’m constantly running out. That being said, I probably won’t be doing that in Natlan.

Ameyalco Waters

Genshin Impact Natlan Region
Stadium of the Sacred Flame
Adventurers' Guild Expedition items
Ameyalco Waters
Natlan’s Adventurers’ Guild – Ameyalco Waters

This Natlan expedition location is the one I have been using since it was unlocked, and it wasn’t for the mint. Spinel Fruit is a Natlan resource that is required for cooking and obtaining Natlan weapon blueprints. What makes this resource different from all the other Natlan-specific resources is that you need to complete at least the first part of the Natlan World Quest: ‘Tracer No Tracing’ to be able to get them. Since I haven’t had the chance to dive into that specific World Quest, I’ve opted to utilize the Adventuers’ Guild Expeditions instead.

Shopping and Savory Finds at the Stadium of the Sacred Flame

One of my favourite parts of any new region in Genshin Impact is the new shops and restaurants that come with it. Keep reading to find out what shops sell which ingredients, and what new recipes are available.

Zakan’s Street Bites

Zakan’s Street Bites is one of two places where you can buy some Natlan recipes within the Stadium of the Sacred Flame.

Zakan's Street Bites
Natlan Region
Stadium of the Sacred Flame – Zakan’s Street Bites

An NPC named Cipac owns and operates this establishment, which is located across from the Adventurers’ Guild. You’ll actually pass Zakan’s before reaching the Adventurers’ Guild if you come from the nearby waypoint.

Genshin Impact Natlan Region
Stadium of the Sacred Flame
Zakan's Street Bites map location
Map location for Zakan’s Street Bites.

Cipac has a total of five items for sale. Three dishes that you can purchase for consumption, all with a variety of buffs, and two Natlan recipes.

Genshin Impact Natlan Region
Stadium of the Sacred Flame
Zakan's Street Bites items for sale
Items for sale at Zakan’s Street Bites

I will be discussing all the recipes in an upcoming series (stay tuned), but I will list the buffs of the consumable items below.

  • Grainfruit Chips
    • 2-star Recovery Dish
    • Restores 20% of Max HP to the selected character and regenerates 390 HP every 5 seconds for 30 seconds
    • Can purchase up to 2 per day from Zakan’s Street Bites
  • Fried Shrimp Beanballs
    • 3-star DEF-Boosting Dish
    • Increases all party members’ Shield Strength by 25% for 300 seconds. In Co-op Mode, this effect only applies to your own character(s).
    • Can purchase up to 2 per day from Zakan’s Street Bites
  • Saurus Crackers
    • 3-star Recovery Dish
    • Restores 32% of Max HEP and an additional 1250 HP to the selected character.
    • Can purchase up to 2 per day from Zakan’s Street Bites

Crafting Bench

Right next to Zakan’s Street Bites, you’ll find both a Crafting Bench as well as an old man named Bounama. Speaking with him gives you the option to ask to use the Crafting Bench or purchase some ingredients.

Bounama General Goods and the Crafting Bench on the right-hand side

The Crafting Bench shows up on the map, however, Bounama does not.

Genshin Natlan
Stadium of the Sacred Flame
General Goods map location
Crafting Bench map location
Bounama General Goods and Crafting Bench locations on the map

Here you are able to purchase some rudimentary ingredients if you find yourself in the area and running low. These items are not localized to Natlan but are ones that can be picked up throughout Teyvat.

Genshin Natlan
Stadium of the Sacred Flame
General Goods
What’s Bounama selling?

You can also get Glabrous Beans here (it’s listed under Wheat).

It can be noted that you do not need to speak with Bounama to utilize the Crafting Bench, you can go straight up to it and interact with it as you can in other locations.

Saurian Relics Association

This shop can also be found along the upper curved pathway of the Stadium of the Sacred Flame.

Genshin Natlan
Saurian Relics Assocation map location
Saurian Relics Association map location

As you can see on the map, the shop is all the way at the end of the hall.

Genshin Natlan
Stadium of the Sacred Flame
Saurian Relics Association
Stadium of the Sacred Flame – Saurian Relics Association

While I was able to interact and speak with the NPC I was not able to purchase anything. As it’s been in other regions, I will most likely be able to purchase items in the future, once I’ve progressed further in the story. When that happens I’ll update this guide with all the relevant information.

Weary Inn

The Weary Inn is also located along the upper curve of the Stadium.

Genshin Natlan
Weary Inn map location
Weary Inn map location

If you’ve found the Saurian Relics Association, finding the Weary Inn will be a breeze. It’ll be right beneath you. To the left of the Saurian Relics Association is a staircase.

Genshin Impact Natlan
Weary Inn
From the Saurian Relics Association go down the staircase to get to the Weary Inn

If you go down the stairs the Weary Inn will be to the right.

Genshin Natlan
Stadium of the Sacred Flame
Weary Inn
Stadium of the Sacred Flame – Weary Inn

I was honestly a little disappointed as I was not able to interact with any NPCs who work at the inn. I was hoping to be able to purchase some more recipes…alas this was not the case.

Genshin Natlan
Stadium of the Sacred Flame
Inside the Weary Inn
Inside the Weary Inn

Now, this could be another case of me not being far enough along in the storyline yet. Perhaps I will be able to interact with people the more I play. If that does happen to be the case, I’ll update this guide accordingly.

On the plus side, you can find a common chest inside the Inn.

Genchin Natlan
Natlan common chest
Here for the loot.

Nameless (But Not Tasteless) Restaurant Near the Weary Inn

There is a restaurant near the Weary Inn (instead of going right at the bottom of the staircase, go left), but it doesn’t have a name.

Genshin Natlan
Stadium of the Sacred Flame
Weary Inn Restaurant
Stadium of the Sacred Flame – Restaurant near the Weary Inn

It also technically does not show up on the map. While there is an image on the map in the correct location, it only states Zakan’s Street Bites.

Regardless of what this place is called, it does have a couple of recipes you can purchase. As well as several dishes and ingredients.

Genshin Impact
Natlan region
New recipes
Items for sale at the restaurant near the Weary Inn

As mentioned before, I’ll be putting together a series around the recipes found throughout Teyvat, so I won’t discuss the details here. I will list the buffs of the dishes that you can purchase here though.

  • Cup O’Grainfruit
    • 1-star Recovery Dish
    • Restores 9% of Max HP to the selected character and regenerates 260 HP every 5 seconds for 30 seconds
    • Can purchase up to 10 each day from this restaurant
  • Grainfruit Meat Soup
    • 2-star Recovery Dish
    • Restores 22% of Max HP and an additional 1200 HP to the selected character
    • Can purchase up to 2 each day from this restaurant
  • Tatacos
    • 3-star Recovery Dish
    • Revives a character and restores 1200 HP
    • Can purchase up to 2 each day from this restaurant
  • Blazed Meat Stew
    • 3-star ATK-Boosting Dish
    • Increases all party members’ CRIT Rate by 15% for 300 seconds. In Co-Op Mode, this effect only applies to your own character(s)
    • Can purchase up to 2 each day from this restaurant

Not Just an NPC

There are a few NPCs within the Stadium of the Sacred Flame that you can interact with and purchase items from. There are also some NPCs and shops that you can interact with but can’t purchase anything from. Or at least I wasn’t able to. I’ll give you a quick breakdown of who those NPCs are, where they are located, and what you can purchase from them.

Drinks by Yantasar

This shop is located on the outer ring of the Stadium of the Sacred Flame, fairly close to the eastern waypoint. Instead of going left and through the doors that lead to the Forging area, you want to stay outside. The colours on the shop are pretty bright so you should be able to catch it as you navigate your way.

Genshin Natlan
Stadium of the Sacred Flame
Natlan Drinks
Interesting Natlan drinks

While you can interact with Yantasar you can’t actually purchase anything (or at least I wasn’t). That being said, if you do speak with her and make it through all the dialogue you’ll get a free Grainfruit Meat Soup.

Genshin Impact 
Natlan Region
Free dishes
Grainfruit Meat Soup
Never say no to free food.


Inside the Stadium of the Sacred Flame, you’ll find Cintli. If you’ve already made it into the Adventurers’ Guild and unlocked the waypoint nearby, you can fast-travel there to see Cintli. Once there, he will be the first person you see on your right.

Genshin Natlan
Stadium of the Sacred Flame
Ingredents and goods
Stadium of the Sacred Flame – Cintli

Cintli sells a lot of Natlan-specific ingredients that you’ll need for cooking and forging. I would be sure to pay him a visit.

Genshin Impact Natlan
Natlan shop
Natlan ingredents
Items you can purchase from Cintli


From the same waypoint you’ll use to get to Cintli you can use it to get to Echuah, as they are basically right across the hall from each other.

Genshin Natlan
Stadium of the Sacred Flame
Artifacts for sale
Stadium of the Sacred Flame – Echuah

Echuah sells 2-star artefacts, so nothing super interesting. However, if you’re a free-to-play player (like myself) and need to spend that weekly Mora or, need to enhance some of your better artefacts, seeking out Echuah could be useful.

Genshin Impact
Natlan Region
Natlan shop
Items you can purchase from Echuah

Paint Shop

Along that upper curved portion of the Stadium of the Sacred Flame, there is a Paint shop. You’ll find it between Bounama and the Saurian Relics Association.

Genshion Natlan
Stadium of the Sacred Flame
Paint Shop
Stadium of the Sacred Flame – Paint Shop

This was another shop where while I was able to interact with the owner I couldn’t purchase anything. However, the way the dialogue was worded it does sound like this is going to be a shop you can utilize in the future. If and when that happens, I’ll update this guide with all the information you’ll need.

Weapon Crafting and Forging at the Stadium of the Sacred Flame

Genshin Impact‘s Natlan region comes with new weapon blueprints. There are five different, Natlan-specific, 4-star weapon blueprints that you can purchase at The Salutary Furnace. As you can see in the pictures below, these blueprints aren’t purchasable with Mora but rather different resources. Most of the said resources are located within Natlan only, one however is also located in Fontaine. All details, including resource locations, can be found below.

The Salutary Furnace is the primary forging location within the Stadium of the Sacred Flame. As such, this is where you can purchase the new weapon blueprints.

Stadium of the Sacred Flame
The Salutary Furnace
Forging and Natlan weapon blueprints
Natlan 4-star weapons available
Stadium of the Sacred Flame – The Salutary Furnace

The Salutary Furnace is located in the southeastern part of the stadium.

Genshin Impact Natlan Region
Stadium of the Sacred Flame
The Salutary Furnace, forging map location
The Salutary Furnace location

When you first enter the stadium (from the eastern entrance), head left (through the giant doors) and you’ll get to The Salutary Furnace. You want to make sure you do not head straight into the arena, and make your turn before then.

Head through the door shown in this picture.
Genshin Impact Natlan
Head through the door shown in this picture.

You can get a blueprint for each Natlan 4-star weapon type found in Genshin Impact.

  • Flute of Ezpitzal (Sword)
  • Earth Shaker (Claymore)
  • Footprint of the Rainbow (Polearm)
  • Ring of Yaxche (Catalyst)
  • Chain Breaker (Bow)

Information on each weapon, including the locations of the resources required to obtain the blueprint, is outlined below.

Flute of Ezpitzal (Sword)

Stadium of the Sacred Flame
Flute of Ezpitzal sword blueprint
Genshin 4-star weapon
Flute of Ezpitzal blueprint

In order to procure this blueprint you will need the following resources:

  • 10 Grainfruit
  • 10 Spinal Fruit
  • 10 Condessence Crystal

Earth Shaker (Claymore)

Stadum of the Sacred Flame
Earth Shaker claymore blueprint
Genshin 4-star weapon
Earth Shaker blueprint

If you want to be able to add this Claymore to your arsenal you’ll need the following resources first:

  • 10 Embercore Flower
  • 10 Cacahuatl
  • 10 Condessence Crystal

Footprint of the Rainbow (Polearm)

Stadium of the Sacred Flame
Footprint of the Rainbow polearm blueprint
Genshin 4-star weapon
Footprint of the Rainbow blueprint

Do you want a Natlan Polearm? You’ll need to grab these first:

  • 10 Spinel Fruit
  • 10 Embercore Flower
  • 10 Condessence Crystal

Ring of Yaxche (Catalyst)

Stadium of the Sacred Flame
Ring of Yaxche catalyst blueprint
Genshin 4-star weapon
Ring of Yaxche blueprint

The following resources will be needed in order to snag this blueprint:

  • 10 Cacahuatl
  • 10 Candlecap Mushroom
  • 10 Condessence Crystal

Chain Breaker (Bow)

Stadium of the Sacred Flame
Chain Breaker bow blueprint
Genshin 4-star weapon
Chain Breaker blueprint

Make sure to pick up these resources if you want a new Bow:

  • 10 Candlecap Mushroom
  • 10 Grainfruit
  • 10 Condessence Crystal

Natlan Weapon Blueprints – Resources Required

While I have marked some locations of the resources below, you can purchase some of them from Cinti inside the Stadium of the Sacred Flame.


Genshin Natlan resource
Genshin cooking ingredient
Natlan only resource – Grainfruit

Now, Grainfruit is arguably the most abundant and easily accessible resource found in Natlan. This fruit is practically everywhere.

A Grainfruit in the wilds of Natlan
A wild Grainfruit

That being said, I’ve outlined a few spots around the Statue of the Seven that is closest to the Stadium of the Sacred Flame (for convenience).

Grainfruit locations in Natlan near the Statue of the Seven closest to the Stadium of the Sacred Flame
Grainfruit locations near the Statue of the Seven by the Stadium of the Sacred Flame

These spots are just a handful of Grainfruit locations. You will find plenty more throughout Natlan.


Genshin Natlan resource
Genshin cooking ingredient
Natlan only resource – Cacahuatl

While Cacahuatl is not as easily found as Grainfruit, you will come across this resource as you explore Natlan.

A cacahuatl in the wilds of Natlan
A wild Cacahuatl

Since you’ll already be in the area looking for Grainfruit, I’ve marked some locations on the map below.

Some cacahuatl locations in Natlan near the Statue of the Seven closest to the Stadium of the Sacred Flame
Cacahuatl locations near the Statue of the Seven by the Stadium of the Sacred Flame

These spots are just a couple of Cacahuatl locations. You will find plenty more around Natlan.

Candlecap Mushroom

Genshin Natlan resource
Candlecap Mushroom
cooking ingredient
food item
Natlan only resource – Candlecap Mushroom

This is another Natlan-specific resource that you will come across fairly often as you explore the new region.

Candlecap mushrooms in the wilds of Natlan
A Candlecap Mushroom in the Wild (actually three).

While you will come across these mushrooms easily enough on your own, I’ve marked a few locations on the map below.

Some candlecap mushroom locations in Natlan near the Stadium of the Sacred Flame
Candlecap Mushroom locations near the Stadium of the Sacred Flame

As mentioned above, these are just a handful Candlecap Mushroom locations, there are plenty more in Natlan.

Embercore Flower

Genshin Natlan resource
Embercore Flower
Natlan only resource – Embercore Flower

Embercore Flowers are a little harder to find in the wild. They also aren’t a “readably available” resource. This means you have to do something before you can grab the material.

Closed Embercore Flower in the wild of Natlan
Closed Embercore Flower

Once you find the Embercore Flower bud, give it a little tap and voila!

Open Embercore Flower in the wilds of Natlan
Open Embercore Flower

For your convenience, I’ve marked the location of two Embercore Flowers near the Stature of the Seven closest to the Stadium of the Sacred Flame.

Some embercore flower locations in Natlan near the Statue of the Seven closest to the Stadium of the Sacred Flame
Embercore Flower near the Stature of the Seven closest to the Stadium of the Sacred Flame

As noted above, these flowers can be found in other locations within Natlan, but they are harder to come by compared to other Natlan resources.

Spinal Fruit

Genshin Natlan resource
Spinel Fruit
Cooking ingredient
Natlan only resource – Spinel Fruit

Spinel Fruit are only located in liquid phlogiston zones. To grab this particular resource, you must complete the first part of the Natlan World Quest: ‘Tracer No Tracing’. If you do not want to start this Natlan World Quest then you can opt to send a character on an expedition via the Adventurers’ Guild. As long as you have the Ameyalco Waters area unlocked, you can use an expedition slot to obtain this resource.

Genshin resource
Natlan Regoin resource
Spinel Fruit location
Ameyalco Waters map
A Spinel Fruit in the wild (you get two fruits per plant).

I just unlocked this area recently, but I’ve marked all the Spinel Fruit locations on the map below. Be sure not to touch the liquid phlogiston as it does do damage.

Genshin Impact resource
Genshin Natlan map location
Genshin Spinel Fruit map location
Stadium of the Sacred Flame
Spinel Fruit locations near Ameyalco Waters

Condessence Crystal

Genshin Natlan resource
Genshin Fontaine resource
Condessence Crystal
Forging Ore
Natlan and Fontaine resource – Condessence Crystal

This crystal can be found throughout Natlan as well as Fontaine.

Condessence Crystal in the wilds of Natlan
Condessence Crystal in the wild.

Condessence Crystals are most often found near bodies of water. I haven’t found too many in Natlan yet but I’ve marked two locations on the images below.

Some condessence crystal locations in Natlan near the Statue of the Seven closest to the Stadium of the Sacred Flame
Condessence Crystal near the Statue of the Seven closest to the Stadium of the Sacred Flame
Some condessence crystal locations in Natlan near the Ameyalco Waters
Condessence Crystal location near the Ameyalco Waters

Anytime you’re near a body of water in Natlan or Fontaine keep an eye out for some Condessence Crystals.

Secret Treasures and Quests within the Stadium of the Sacred Flame

You can find a handful of treasure chests hidden throughout the Stadium as well as at least one World Quest. I also found a couple of other items within the Stadium. I’ll break down the location for all of these things below.

Treasure Chests

To access the treasure chests within the Stadium of the Sacred Flame, you will have to get to the upper portion of the arena. There are stairwells that you can use to get to this area, or you can do what I did and just climb up the wall.

Within the Stadium of the Sacred Flame, I’ve found four treasure chests, two common, one exquisite, and one luxurious. Walking around the seating area of the arena you’ll be able to find them as well.

Common Chest #1

Genshin Natlan
Stadium of the Sacred Flame common chest
Stadium of the Sacred Flame – Common Chest

If you do opt to take the stairs be sure to check behind you. That’s where the first common chest is located.

Genshin Natlan
Stadium of the Sacred Flame common chest

Common Chest #2

Genshin Natlan
Stadium of the Sacred Flame common chest
Stadium of the Sacred Flame – Common Chest

There is a table and two chairs located in the seating area of the arena. Just behind that, you’ll find the second common chest.

Genshin Natlan
Stadium of the Sacred Flame common chest
More treasure

Exquisite Chest

Genshin Natlan
Stadium of the Sacred Flame Exquisite chest
Stadium of the Sacred Flame – Exquisite Chest

Way back behind a giant horn, you’ll find the Exquisite Chest.

Genshin Impact
Natlan Region
Natlan Exquisite chest
Natlan treasure chests
So pretty.

Luxurious Chest

This one is a little bit harder to get too. You see, it’s on top of the main pillar of the arena.

Genshin Natlan
Satdium of the Sacred Flame
Luxurious Chest
Stadium of the Sacred Flame – Luxurious Chest

That said, all you have to do is climb up the pillar and the treasure will be yours!

Genshin Impact
Stadium of the Sacred Flame
Natlan Luxurious Chest location
I promise there is a Luxurious Chest up there.

It’ll be worth the climb.

Genshin Impact Natlan
Luxurious Chest in Natlan

Natlan World Quest – ‘The Case of the Crafting Bench’

There is at least one World Quest that begins within the Stadium of the Sacred Flame. For this quest to start you need to find a second Crafting Bench in the Stadium.

Genshin Natlan
Stadium of the Sacred Flame
Natlan World Quest
The Case of the Crafting Bench map location
Natlan World Quest Map Location

This Crafting Bench is technically outside, along the Stadium’s outer ring.

Genshin Natlan
Stadium of the Sacred Flame
Natlan World Quest
The Case of the Crafting Bench map location

As soon as you interact with the Crafting Bench, the quest will be triggered.

Genshin Natlan
Stadium of the Sacred Flame
Natlan World Quest
The Case of the Crafting Bench
Something seems off here…

I haven’t completed this particular quest yet, but the parts I have done were fairly straightforward. In true Genshin Impact fashion, there’s a lot of back and forth. I wish all my fellow travellers the best of luck with this quest.

Genshin Natlan
Natlan World Quest
The Case of the Crafting Bench
Natlan World Quest – The Case of the Crafting Bench

Loot: You Can Never Have Too Much

If you do decide to check out the Natlan World Quest ‘The Case of the Crafting Bench’, there is something else that you can pick up nearby. Opposite the crafting bench you visit for the World Quest, you can find ‘Records of Hanan Pacha’.

Genshin Impact
Natlan Region
Stadium of the Sacred Flame
Records of Hanan Pacha location
Stadium of the Sacred Flame – Records of Hanan Pacha

Scattered throughout Natlan there are also these small cracked wooden crates that you can ‘investigate’ and collect Mora from. There are a few within the Stadium, so keep your eyes peeled.

Genshin Natlan
Natlan wooden treasure crate
This one is located under the stairs leading to the Weary Inn

There is also a Radiant Spincrystal inside the main arena of the Stadium. If you’ve already opened all the Treasure Chests in the arena (mentioned above), this Radiant Spincrystal is on the same table mentioned for Common Chest #2.

Genshin Impact
Natlan region
Natlan radiant spincrystal
Stadium of the Sacred Flame – Radiant Spincrystal #134

There you have it, Radiant Spincrystal #134

Genshin Impact Natlan Region
Stadium of the Sacred Flame
Natlan Radiant Spincrystal location
Radiant Spincrystal 134
So sparkly

Tona’s Flame

You can find Tona’s Flame near The Salutary Furnace.

Stadium of the Sacred Flames – Tona’s Flame

As you explore Genshin Impact‘s new region of Natlan, completing quests and kicking bad guy butt you’ll get sigils as a reward. This is the same with every region in Teyvat, and the sigils you get are determined by the region you obtain them from. In Natlan, you’ll be awarded Pyro Sigils. You can then offer these sigils to the Tablet of Tona to increase the Tona’s Flame level. You will be awarded (in my opinion) better items when you do this. As a free-to-play Genshin Impact player I am always looking for ways to get as many Primogems as possible.

Genshin Impact
Natlan region
Tona's Flame
Tablet of Tona
Tablet of Tona

Speaker’s Chamber

The Speaker’s Chamber is along the bottom curve of the Stadium of the Sacred Flame. There is a waypoint nearby that you can use to fast-travel to this location once it’s been unlocked.

Genshin Impact
Natlan region
Speaker's Chamber map location
Stadium of the Sacred Flame – Speaker’s Chamber

At this point, I’m not sure what role the Speaker’s Chamber plays in the story. Nothing more than the information outlined in the image above.

Stadium of the Sacred Flame – Speaker’s Chamber

You can enter the chamber and look around, but I didn’t find anything inside.

Genshin Impact
Natlan region
Stadium of the Sacred Flame
Speaker's Chamber
Inside the Speaker’s Chamber

Interestingly, you can see the flags of all six major tribes of Natlan inside the Speaker’s Chamber.

Flags of three of the major tribes in Natlan
Flags of three of the major tribes in Natlan

I am curious to see what role the Speaker’s Chamber plays as I get farther into the story.


The Stadium of the Sacred Flame is more than just an arena; it is a vibrant centre filled with shops, culinary experiences, forging opportunities, and hidden treasures waiting to be discovered. Whether you are hunting for new recipes, forging powerful weapons, or uncovering secret quests, this area offers a lot of exciting adventures for all travellers.

What did you think of this Genshin Impact Guide? Will you be visiting the Stadium of the Sacred Flame? Let us know in the comments. Be sure to also join our Facebook community and follow us on Twitter.