If you thought the first episode was good, it was nothing compared to this one. With all of the set-up out of the way, they were able to feed in the lore of the TVA in a much more natural and less exposition-heavy way. Instead of having the focus of the episode be on getting the viewer up to speed, they instead drove the plot forward. Whilst the previous 2 MCU shows on Disney+ were brilliant, Loki feels so much more cinematic.
They opened with a renaissance fair, and I love that. It’s such an unexpected setting, the polar opposite of the futuristic technological hub that is the TVA. Once again, the evil Loki variant is on the loose. We still can’t see his face, and that just adds to the air of mystery around this particular variant. He captures one of the minutemen, creating a disturbance in the timeline, and more agents are sent to investigate. They bring Loki along as they think he might be useful in determining what the other Loki is up to. They also explain that there have been several other Loki variants, which suggests fascinating possibilities for a multiverse. Loki uses the opportunity to try and trick the agents, by inventing a convincing theory about a potential trap. This gives a really interesting insight into Loki’s character. It’s sometimes easy to forget how smart he is.
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Fantastic Writing
The dialogue in this second episode feels a lot more balanced than the first. Whilst the pilot needed to have lots of long conversations simply to explain what was happening, this episode chooses a more natural pace. The dialogue comes in short bursts, with only a few scenes with prolonged talking. This makes it easier to appreciate what’s being said, and the humour is absolutely perfect. There aren’t rip-roaring laugh-out-loud lines, but that’s a good thing. Loki isn’t a comedy show, it’s a drama with comedic elements, and the jokes land really well. I love the banter between Loki and Mobius, they bounce really well off of each other. I had my initial doubts about Owen Wilson, but they’re completely gone. He’s a brilliant choice for Mobius, and his personality really shines through.
The only scene I didn’t really like was when Loki and Mobius had a theological discussion. I completely get the relevance to the story, but it was boring. Aside from a select few philosophers, most people would probably agree that theology isn’t particularly entertaining. Whilst it did give insight into how they’re indoctrinated into the TVA, it felt a bit on the nose. I feel like there would have been more fun ways to show Mobius’ beliefs, without them having an entire discussion about it, which disrupted the pacing of an otherwise pretty intense episode.

There was a really funny scene where an agent was leading a team, and had to describe the setting. They were going to a supermarket and the way it was described made it sound like an alien location. It was an amusing reminder of the fact that the TVA exists entirely in a bubble. They have little knowledge about the outside world, and even supermarkets feel unusual to them.
Loki’s Character Development
It’s important not to forget that it’s only been a very short time since Loki escaped. At that point, he was still the ‘evil’ trickster who tried to take control of Earth. Much as seeing his future certainly helped curb some of his destructive impulses, rehabilitation doesn’t happen overnight. In his original timeline, it took many years and several backslides in order for him to gain redemption. Whilst an existential crisis like discovering the TVA certainly sped up the process, it’s by no means a finished arc. Loki is clearly grappling with his humanity, and that’s very apparent throughout the episode.
When we first see him, he’s in an office, reading documents and learning about the TVA. This feels so out of place for Loki’s character, and it’s hilarious seeing him so unassuming. We also get an amusing scene of him explaining the specifics of his powers. Loki goes full on nerd and gets into the nitty-gritty details, and I’m sure fans really appreciated that. He actually seems to adapt well to being an agent, almost like he enjoys being in a team. He throws himself into his work, and is able to uncover the truth about how the variant keeps evading them. Whilst looking through the files, he finds out about Asgard’s destruction, and is visibly shaken. For a guy who portrays himself as a powerful villain, he sure cares a lot about other people.
Of course, it’s revealed that he does actually have a master plan. He intends to help thwart the evil Loki variant so that he himself can get an audience with the Time Keepers. From there, he plans to overthrow them, and rule over all of time and creation. That feels more like the old Loki, and it’ll be interesting to see how that develops.
The Plot Thickens
We see more of the inner workings of the TVA this episode, beyond just the basic lore. We also begin to understand just how much of a problem this other Loki has been for them. They’re willing to go to any lengths to stop him, hence why they’ve taken the risk of instituting Loki. To prove a theory, Loki and Mobius travel to Pompeii, to demonstrate that messing around in an apocalyptic event won’t create any variance energy. We also learn that not only can the TVA move through time and slow it down, but they can even reset it completely. Of course, this ends up having disastrous repercussions when the other Loki variant gets hold of the necessary tech. All of a sudden, there are multiple divergences of the sacred timeline! Minutemen are immediately dispersed to the locations, and it’ll be interesting to see where the next episode goes.

There’s a beautifully shot fighting scene at the start, and just like the previous episode, it’s really brutal. I love the no-holds-barred dedication to these fighting scenes, and it makes Loki feel so much more realistic. We also finally get to meet the other Loki variant. He possesses several other people at first, and speaks to our Loki through them. This builds the tension, and our Loki offers the variant an interesting proposition. He suggests that they should rule the TVA together, and asks the variant to join him. But the Loki variant rejects the proposition, and we finally get to see his real face. It’s not a ‘he’ at all, she’s a woman! The woman escapes through a time portal, and rather than return to the TVA, Loki follows her.
Audio and Visuals
Once again, the visuals this episode are gorgeous. Loki doesn’t feel like a TV show, it feels like an Avengers movie that’s been chopped into parts. Disney+ haven’t cut any corners on making Loki look as stunning as possible. One of the most visually impressive moments of the episode is near the end, when they’re at the supermarket. There’s a storm raging outside, and the details are just fantastic. You really feel like you’re there, watching an actual real life storm. It’s so apocalyptic, and you can’t tear your eyes away from the screen. It’s a level of production value that you don’t usually find in TV.
The costumes are also perfect, they really help to set the scene, and convey personalities. Loki’s top has the word ‘Variant’ splayed in large orange letters on the back, and in some ways it’s reminiscent of a prisoner’s uniform, which is essentially where Loki is as he’s not allowed to leave the TVA except on missions. In every other way, though, his clothes are just like every other agent’s. That similarity could be alluding to the fact that they true are trapped, even if they don’t realise it. And seeing as the whole TVA is an allegory for bureaucracy, it’s almost saying that all workers are prisoners. Okay, maybe I’m reading a bit too much into it…
The music throughout the episode really elevates the scenes. It helps give weight to what the characters are saying, or capture the attention of the viewer. In the opening fight scene that I mentioned earlier, they play I Need a Hero, and it just works. The scene is so full of hype, and the music compounds that. The sounds are on point throughout the episode, and it all comes together beautifully.
This was a phenomenal episode, and gave me faith that Loki could end up being one of the best entries in the entire MCU. The writing was superb throughout, and made you feel so invested in the story. The only flaw I could mention about the episode is that the supermarket they went to was supposed to be set in 2050, and yet all the items were things that we’d find today. You’re telling me that 30 years in the future we’ll still be using the same computer screens as we are now?
It’s so exciting watching such a high-budget show, and I love how engaging the plot is. It’s great to see Loki’s character-development unfold, and I’m eagerly awaiting what happens next. Join the discussion in our Facebook group!