One of the latest additions to Game Pass, this fun rpg is inspired by Alice in Wonderland. There are plenty of achievements to earn throughout the game, a total of 50. Most of them can be earned as part of the main story, but others have to be sought out. To earn the Awakened Spirits achievement, you’ll need to do one of the optional side quests. I’ll be talking you through it in this Ravenlok Awaken the Spirits Guide.
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All Spirit Locations
This is one of the first side quests you’ll encounter in the game as it takes place in the first area, the Mushroom Forest. You’ll need to make your way through the start of the level until you reach the area with the Witch’s Hut. On the left of her hut, you’ll see a large statue. This is the Forest Deity, and talking to it will initiate the quest. You’ll be given a Tiny Bell with which to wake the spirits. For this guide, all the directions will be working backwards from the area with the Witch’s Hut.

Spirit Nephew
Leave the Witch’s Hut, going back the way you came. You’ll go back to the forest pathway, and the Spirit Nephew is almost immediately on the left. Go up to the Spirit Nephew and interact with him to ring the bell. He’ll light up blue, and he’ll be checked off the list for the quest.

Spirit Niece
Keep on going back up the pathway, until you reach the very top. At the part where it turns left, you’ll see the Spirit Niece nestled amongst the trees. As before, interact with her to wake her up.

Spirit Sister
Return to the area before the forest pathway, and head to the back where you’ll see a clump of large mushrooms. The Spirit Sister is tucked in the back right. Once again, ring your Tiny Bell to wake her up. Whilst you’re in this area, check out the Ravenlok figurine guide for a nearby rabbit statue collectible.

Spirit Brother
Moving on to the Spirit Brother, you’ll need to return to the central area where you had the Monster Ambush at the start. Once you’re stood in the centre of the ring, move off to the immediate left, sticking in a straight line. Keep going until you reach the wall, and you’ll find the Spirit Brother.

Spirit Child
Finally, return to the area where you started the quest. You’ll see the Witch’s Hut, and you want to move to the right of it. The Spirit Child is behind the Witch’s Hut on the right-hand side, just next to the washing line. Wake it up using the Tiny Bell.

Finishing the Quest
Now that all the spirits are awake, return to the Forest Deity. Talking to it will end the quest and you’ll earn the Awakened Spirits achievement. You’ll also be rewarded with a Medium Health Potion, a Small Health Potion, and a Fire Bomb.
Hopefully you found this Ravenlok Awaken the Spirits guide useful. With this article, you should have unlocked the achievement, and pleased the Forest Deity! If you’re enjoying Ravenlok, join the discussion over in our Facebook community, or tweet us on Twitter!