Cassette Beasts New Beasts – 1.2 Update Guide
I was thrilled when I heard that Cassette Beasts new beasts were coming. The game was launched a couple of months ago, and as it was available on Xbox Game…
I was thrilled when I heard that Cassette Beasts new beasts were coming. The game was launched a couple of months ago, and as it was available on Xbox Game…
Having been to the Pokémon Center Pop-Up in London all the way back in 2019, I was really excited to do it again. I'd had such a fantastic time back…
level. Figure out what research tasks you still need to get even when you're in battle with a pokémon. See where you're up to on your requests, and what you still haven't found yet. Check the locations for various things necessary for completion. Everything's there and easy to keep track of.
The Pokemon Legends: Arceus potato mochi looks absolutely delicious, so I decided to cook them up... Learn how you can make some too!
To say I was excited when I saw this game would be an understatement. At first glance, Monster Harvest looked to be a wonderful cross between Stardew Valley and Pokémon,…